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lose hip weight : Reducing fat all over your body is easier than you think and just imagine how good you will look and feel this burns fat really fast

lose hip weight
Finding out how to lose fat hips is very important and often goes beyond just wanting to lose the fat and look good.  Thislose fat hips is because fat hips, “Love Handles” or the “Muffin Top look” can have serious health consequences because fat hips are often linked to an overall high body fat level.
Lose fat hips to avoid the dangers of excess body fat.
Lose Ways Weight
lose hip weight
lose hip weight

Hip and stomach fat is a stubborn and potentially dangerous type of body fat that can lead to heart disease and other dangerous health problems.  Finding out how to lose fat hips and extra body fat in general is a good move which can reduce your risks of developing serious health problems later in life.

The  problem with trying to get rid of your fat hips is that you cannot target your hips only – spot fat reduction does not work!  Imagine if it did work?  We would ALL have perfect bodies
lose hip weight
lose hip weight

Reducing fat all over your body is easier than you think! … and just imagine how good you will look and feel!

So if you are serious about trying to lose fat hips and overall body fat then you need to start now:

    Do cardio exercise, this burns fat really fast.
    Increase lean muscle by doing strength training, this helps burn calories faster.
    Eat slightly less calories than you burn while exercising.

Exercising to lose fat hips and build strong oblique muscles.

The muscles which run down both sides of your body are the oblique muscles and they frame the 6-pack muscles on the abdomen.  Obliques are unfortunately lost amongst the hip fat.

Developing your oblique muscles and six-pack will really burn calories and soon lose fat hips and that muffin top look.  The American Council on Exercise recommends Bicycle crunches, Captain’s chair leg raises and Vertical leg crunches.
How serious are you about looking good?
Bicycle crunches will work wonders on your love handles
Lie on your back, raise your legs as if you are riding a bicycle. Pedal your legs while doing crunch twists.     bicycle crunches to lose fat hips
Develop a lean stomach and an attractive 6-pack with Captain’s chair leg raises.
Raise your legs using a sturdy chair or the Captain’s Chair gym fixture.    
Lose fat hips and belly fat with Vertical leg raises.
These are similar to regular crunches but your legs are raised perpendicular to the ground.    
Eat Fat Burning Foods To Lose Fat Hips.

Getting rid of those inches which have piled on your body by eating high sugar and sodium foods is simple when you understand which foods to eat.  There are wonder foods which actually fight belly fat: olive oil, salmon, nuts, fibre rich fruit, whole grains, dairy products and plenty of vegetables including at least 3 servings of calcium rich green leafy vegetables a day.

All these foods are digested slowly by your body so you don’t get hunger pangs. Green tea is a wonder fat-burning drink which boosts your metabolism and helps build immunity to colds and other disease.  Drink 3 cups a day.  Green tea can be an acquired taste on its own, however, health food shops sell green tea combined with other healthy ingredients such as green tea with mint and green tea with honey which will help you get used to the taste.

Use this easy fashion trick to help you get rid of the muffin top look.

Tight clothing can create the unattractive muffin top look.  Fat hips are accentuated when you squeeze into jeans that are too tight and your top rides up over your chubby waist. You can solve this problem and visually lose fat hips immediately by just wearing the right clothes.

Use this fashion trick to visually lose fat hips while you are exercising and watching your diet.   Start now and you will soon be able to wear sexy clothing and earn plenty of genuine compliments!